Motivational Thoughts in English | #Motivation_Thoughts

Hello Friends, How are you? I Hope you all will be happy. Here is some thoughts that can change your emotion in the inspire state. Sit and read carefully...

Motivational Thoughts in English | #Motivation_Thoughts

  • “Wake up with only positive energy in the morning.”

  • “I have not failed. I have just found 100 ways that won’t work.”

  • “If you may have no resources but you have resourcefulness.”

  • “If you are searching a person who will change your life take a look in the mirror.”

  • “Any content that contributes to your goal statement : accept it, any content that doesn’t contribute to your goal statement: reject it.”

  • “Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay.”

  • “Today’s new day, smile, let go, don’t waste your time with small stuff.”

  • “With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.”
-Eleanor Roosevelt.

  • “You will never find a rainbow if you are looking down.”
-Charlie Chaplin.

  • “All the success stories in the world are stories of great failures. It is their ability to bounce back that has actually made them successful.”
-DR.Vivek Bindra. 

  • “The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can’t do.”

  • “If you can’t change a situation , change your perception of it.”

  • “Always end the day with a positive thoughts, no matter how hard things were , tomorrow’s fresh opportunity to make it better.”

  • “It’s time to take the decision.”     
-I am blessed to have so many great things in my life- family, friends and God. 

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think.”
 -The truth is that stress doesn’t come from circumstances  , it comes from your thoughts about these circumstances.

-Just as your car runs more smoothly and requires less energy to go faster and further when the when the wheels are in perfect alignment,  your  perform better when your thoughts, feelings, emotions, goals, and values are in balance.

-Thoughts are the gun, words are the bullets, deeds are the target.

-If you want to do some of the special thing, focus on yourself and ignore people.   

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